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作者: 太阳成集团tyc122ccadmin 时间:2017-06-06 点击量:

雷家慧 博士, 副教授,硕士生导师。从事寄生虫学科研和教学工作十余年。湖北省预防医学会寄生虫学专业委员会常委兼秘书,湖北省热带病与寄生虫学学会常委兼秘书,《热带病与寄生虫学》杂志编委。主要从事寄生虫病免疫诊断、寄生虫感染与宿主免疫方面的研究工作。主持和参加国家自然基金、973和863基金等6项,近年来发表论文20余篇。



1. 弓形虫sag1和tghsp70对同种心脏移植物的保护作用及其机制研究。国家自然基金项目,2011-2013,20万,主持

2. 基于免疫磁珠的间接凝集试验在血吸虫病诊断中的研究。湖北省卫生厅项目,2006-2008,4万,主持

3. 我国重要食源性寄生虫病的发病机制及防治研究。973子课题,2010-2014, 40万,参与

4. 基于lgy的新型血吸虫病诊断试剂研究与开发。 国家863计划重大项目,2006-2010,101万,参与

5. 血吸虫病治疗性抗体的研发。 国家863计划专题课题子课题,2006-2009,79万,参与

6. 宿主的特异性免疫应答有助于血吸虫的生长发育? 国家自然基金课题,2005-2007,32万,参与

7. 转基因植物疫苗预防耕牛血吸虫病的实验研究。湖北省卫生厅项目,2004-2006, 2万,主持


1.         lei jh, guan f, xu h, chen l, su bt, zhou y, wang t, li yl, liu wq. application of an immunomagnetic bead elisa based on igy for detection of circulating antigen in urine of mice infected with schistosoma japonicum. vet parasitol. 2012;187(1-2):196-202.

2.         wang t, fang zm, lei jh, guan f, liu wq, bartlett a, whitfield p, li yl. delayed tail loss during the invasion of mouse skin by cercariae of schistosoma japonicum. parasitology. 2012;139(2):244-7.

3.         lei jh, su bt, xu h, shen lh, guan xh, feng zq, li yl, xu mx,   liu wq. evaluation of an igy-based immunomagnetic elisa system for detection of circulating schistosoma japonicum antigen in sera of chinese patients. am j of trop med and hyg. 2011; 85(6):1054-9.

4.      tang cl, lei jh, wang t, lu sj, guan f, liu wq, li yl. effect of cd4+ d25+ regulatory t cells on the immune evasion of schistosoma japonicum. parasitol res. 2011; 108(2): 477-80.

5.      li mj, lei jh, wang t, lu sj, guan f, liu wq, li yl. cimetidine enhances the protective effect of gst dna vaccine against schistosoma japonicum. exp parasitol. 2011; 128(4):427-32.

6.      cheng yl, song wj, liu wq, lei jh, kong z, li yl. the effects of interleukin (il)-12 and il-4 deficiency on worm development and granuloma formation in schistosoma japonicum-infected mice. parasitol res. 2012;110(1):287-93.

7.      lei jh, liu wq, sun cs, tang cl, li mj, chen yl, li yl. detection of circulating antigen in serum of mice infected with schistosoma japonicum by immunomagnetic bead elisa based on igy. acta trop. 2009; 111(1): 39-43.

8.      cheng yl, song wj, liu wq, lei jh, mo hm, ruppel a, li yl. the effects of t cell deficiency on the development of worms and granuloma formation in mice infected with schistosoma japonicum. parasitol res. 2008; 102(6):1129-34.

9.       mo hm, lei jh, jiang zw, wang cz, cheng yl, li yl, liu wq. schistosoma japonicum infection modulates the development of allergen-induced airway inflammation in mice. parasitol res. 2008; 103(5):1183-9.

10.  mo hm, liu wq, lei jh, cheng yl, wang cz, li yl. schistosoma japonicum eggs modulate the activity of cd4+ cd25+ tregs and prevent development of colitis in mice. exp parasitol. 2007; 116(4): 385-9.

11.  liu wq, liu j, zhang jh, long xc, lei jh, li yl. comparison of ancient and modern clonorchis sinensis based on its1 and its2 sequences. acta trop. 2007; 101(2):91-4.




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